Shubman Gill Fined By ICC For Controversial Incident: Heavy Penalty Imposed
By CricShots - Jun 12, 2023 3:39 pm
Views 74

The Indian cricket team, led by Rohit Sharma, and promising opener Shubman Gill have been hit with heavy fines following their participation in the World Test Championship (WTC) final against Australia at the Oval. The International Cricket Council (ICC) has taken stern action against Team India, imposing severe penalties.

Shubman Gill
Shubman Gill receives a hefty fine

India has been fined their entire match fee for the WTC final due to a slow over-rate. The ICC announced that India fell five overs short of the target, leading to this action. In an additional blow, young opener Shubman Gill has also been fined 15 percent of his match fee for expressing his displeasure.

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Gill took to social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram to vent his frustration after being given out in a controversial manner, caught in the slips by Cameron Green. With the additional fine, Gill’s total deduction amounts to 115 percent of his match fee.

The ICC statement read, “India’s Shubman Gill will face a sanction for appearing to criticize the decision to give him out on the fourth day of the Test, breaching article 2.7 which relates to public criticism or inappropriate comment in relation to an incident occurring in an international match. The young opener was fined a further 15 percent of his match fee.”


In addition, Australia has also been penalized, with 80 percent of their match fee being docked for being four overs short during the WTC final.

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The fines imposed by the ICC serve as a reminder to both teams about the importance of maintaining proper conduct on the field and adhering to the rules and regulations of the game. Such penalties highlight the governing body’s commitment to upholding the integrity and spirit of cricket.

It remains to be seen how the teams will respond to these fines and whether they will take necessary measures to avoid similar incidents in the future.