Former India player turned renowned commentator Aakash Chopra wants Rahul Dravid, the newly appointed head coach of Team India, to address the pressure-handling woes of the team in ICC events and knockout matches. While speaking about this in a video on his YouTube channel, Aakash Chopra shared his views on the team’s failures in knockout matches since 2013 as well.
He said, “coming second is no longer an option.” He further added that Rahul Dravid will have to create a team culture where everyone could express themselves well even if it is a knockout match. Let’s try and address the elephant in the room… which is that we don’t win ICC knockout matches. Since the 2013 Champions Trophy, we have always lost in knockout matches. So there’s something that needs to be changed, right? Our main players don’t perform in these games so is there something lacking? That’s something he will have to address because coming second is no longer an option.”
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Aakash Chopra further shared: “The kind of team we have it’s not far-fetched or unfair to expect them to win. So Rahul will have to create a culture where the team plays freely even in knockout matches. He will have to create such a philosophy where the type of match won’t alter the playing style.”
However, the hope of Team India’s qualification for the semi-final in the ongoing T20 World Cup looks slim as they lost their first two games against Pakistan and New Zealand. Although they won against Afghanistan by 66 runs, it won’t be a huge help for them. They have two games left still. And, Rahul Dravid will take the charge after the T20 World Cup and it will start with a T20I series against New Zealand in November as well.
READ HERE: Aakash Chopra opens up on New Zealand’s T20 World Cup squad
“Another challenge and job that Rahul Dravid will have to do will be to find new all-rounders… You can’t get the current top-6 to bowl but the next generation that you are preparing right now, you’ll have to start picking such players in it… You might take a slightly inferior batsman if he can give you a few overs because then he’s a better package. Instead of a better batsman go for a better package. This revolution will have to come. You will have to start rewarding players with more than one skill. In T20 cricket, only batting or only bowling doesn’t work. If you have to win the 2023 World Cup, you’ll need all-rounders,” Aakash Chopra concluded.