Kapil Dev, India’s 1983 World Cup-winning captain, recently chose to stay silent regarding controversial remarks made by Yograj Singh. Yograj, father of former cricketer Yuvraj Singh, had revealed in an interview that he once contemplated shooting Kapil Dev, blaming him for being dropped from the Indian team. A video circulating on social media shows Kapil being asked about these comments by paparazzi as he arrived at an event.
In the video, as the paparazzi mentioned Yograj Singh, Kapil brushed it off, asking, “Kaun hai? Kaun hai? Kiski baat kar rahe ho? (Who is he? Whom are you talking about?)” When clarified it was Yuvraj Singh’s father, he simply responded, “Acchaa, aur kuch? (Anything else?)” before moving on.
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Yograj Singh’s revelations came during an appearance on the show Unfiltered by Samdish, where he detailed his resentment toward Kapil. Yograj, who played one Test and six ODIs for India, claimed Kapil dropped him unfairly during his tenure as captain of India, North Zone, and Haryana. He alleged that this decision had devastating effects on his career.
Kapil Dev responds!
Courtesy: Pallav Paliwal pic.twitter.com/XVArUU8Scv
— Sameer Allana (@HitmanCricket) January 14, 2025
“When Kapil Dev became captain, he dropped me without any reason. My wife suggested I confront him, and I told her I would teach him a lesson,” Yograj said. He recounted how he once went to Kapil’s house armed with a pistol, intending to confront him. However, Kapil’s mother intervened, which, according to Yograj, stopped him from taking extreme action. “I told him, ‘I want to put a bullet through your head, but your pious mother is stopping me,’” he added.
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Yograj also mentioned that he and Kapil have not spoken since. He reflected on India’s 2011 World Cup win, sharing how he sent Kapil a message with a newspaper cutting praising Yuvraj’s performance. Kapil later texted him, expressing a desire to reconcile in their next lives. However, Yograj admitted, “There is a vengeance, and it still hurts.”
This saga highlights unresolved tensions from the cricketing past, mixing personal rivalry with professional grievances.