On Friday, former English cricketer, Kevin Pietersen, who is an ardent supporter of rhino conservation announced that he will be working with National Geographic on a documentary on the plight of the rhino in Africa. He informed via his Twitter handle that the documentary will be filmed in October. His post read: “*HUGE NEWS* I’ve landed a National Geographic documentary on the plight of the rhino in Africa. We film in October. BEYOND EXCITED!”
Pietersen was introduced to wildlife preservation when his good friend Mark Boucher took him on a rhino tagging operation, and ever since then, he has thrown himself into various fundraising projects, working with endangered animals in Africa and India. He also set up his own company, SORAI (Save Our Rhino in Africa and India).
ALSO READ: Kevin Pietersen Demands To Preserve Test Cricket
It all started with branded bats, but now but has also moved into clothing merchandise online, and the profits go to different conservation charities.

Like his batting, there were no half-measures. Ever since his retirement from the competitive cricket, Kevin has devoted most of his time to this great cause and as expected, he has found great support from all corners of the world.
The flamboyant batsman, who resides in Virginia Water, Surrey, is also having a property built near the Kruger National Park in South Africa. KP had earlier told about his plans of opening more shops, producing awareness-raising documentaries, organise charity events, and by the looks of it, Pietersen seems to be on the right path.