On Wednesday, the Indian head coach, Ravi Shastri took to his micro-blogging site Twitter and posted a picture along with the support staff comprising off batting coach Vikram Rathour, bowling coach Bharat Arun and fielding coach R Sridhar. He captioned the post as, “Breathe easy Auckland. New Zealand.”
The support staff looked relaxed in the picture as they seemed to be strolling in the streets of the beautiful city.
Breathe easy Auckland. New Zealand 🇳🇿 🙏 – with @coach_rsridhar pic.twitter.com/rTBrzV6P5Z
— Ravi Shastri (@RaviShastriOfc) January 22, 2020
Former England cricketer Michael Vaughan decided to take a slight dig at Shastri’s clothes. He wrote: “Lovely Outfit Ravi !!!!”
Lovely Outfit Ravi !!!! 🍸 https://t.co/cktrT1GYp6
— Michael Vaughan (@MichaelVaughan) January 22, 2020
Meanwhile, Virat Kohli and his men will now be locking horns with the Blackcaps in New Zealand for the complete tour. The tour will comprise of as many as 5 Twenty-20 Internations (T20Is), three One-Day Internationals (ODIs), and a couple of Test matches. With the Indian squad for the T20I series already announced, the ODI and Test squads are yet to be announced. The first match of the series is scheduled to be played at the picturesque Eden Park in Auckland on Friday.
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Before leaving for New Zealand, Shastri said that the New Zealand and South Africa series could be used as a good platform for preparations for the upcoming World T20 in Australia later this year.
As per the quotes in PTI, the Indian head coach said, “That toss will be taken out of the equation, we will play well irrespective of conditions, of opponents and in every country of the world. That’s what our aim is and that is what we are chasing. Yes, the World Cup remains an obsession and we will do all to fulfill that ambition.”
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He further added, “The word ‘I’ is not there in our dictionary. It’s ‘we’. That’s what this team stands for. It celebrates each other’s achievements because it’s the team that wins.”