Veteran commentator Aakash Chopra said Pakistan will not suffer financially because the Champions Trophy 2025 is played in the Hybrid Model. He also feels that the final decision made also sees that Pakistan haven’t lost face despite agreeing to host India matches in a third country as well.
In a video shared on his YouTube channel ‘Aakash Chopra’, he said, “Pakistan is not losing money. In fact, in this arrangement, Pakistan hasn’t even lost its face. No matter how much they might have talked against the Hybrid Model, they had ultimately agreed, but they have also not walked away empty-handed. It’s now almost confirmed that it will be tit for tat. All matches till 2027 will be in the Hybrid Model. If India are not going to Pakistan, Pakistan will also not come to India and play against India. Pakistan will play their matches in a third country.”
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In the same video, Aakash Chopra also added that Pakistan might lose some tourism money.
“There is no money lost because they will get an extra $4.50 million as they will have to spend a little more while hosting it in a third country. They were being given ₹600 crore and will now get $4.50 million more. Of course, there will be a slight tourism loss because a lot of people used to travel for India-Pakistan engagements. It could be a financial loss because of that but there is no direct loss because the gate-receipt money doesn’t go to the home nation in ICC events in any case. It’s also been decided that Pakistan will not come to India for the 2026 T20 World Cup, where Sri Lanka are the co-hosts,” Aakash Chopra concluded.