Former India player and batting coach Sanjay Bangar has been appointed as the head coach of Royal Challengers Bangalore, the IPL franchise has announced on Twitter. However, Sanjay Bangar has earlier worked with RCB as a batting consultant. And, he has also said that he would like to work with them and help them to fulfil their dream of lifting their maiden IPL title.
“Royal Challengers Bangalore announces the appointment of Sanjay Bangar as head coach for the upcoming season. Bangar will be taking over the reins from Mike Hesson, who remains with the team in his existing role as Director of Cricket Operations. Hesson had donned an additional role of Head Coach for the second leg of the IPL 2021 in UAE,” RCB said in a statement.
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Sanjay Bangar named Head Coach of RCB
Mike Hesson speaks about the appointment of RCB’s Head Coach while Sanjay Bangar addresses the fans explaining his plans for the mega auction and the 2022 season, on @myntra presents Bold Diaries.#PlayBold #WeAreChallengers #IPL2022
— Royal Challengers Bengaluru (@RCBTweets) November 9, 2021
“It’s an honor and great opportunity to serve such a great franchise in the capacity of Head Coach. I have worked with some exceptional and talented members in the squad and can’t wait to take this team to the next level. There’s a lot of work that needs to be done with the IPL Mega Auctions and the season following it, but I’m sure that together with the continued support of the management and the support staff, we can deliver the goods and bring cheer to our fans across the globe. Our work has already begun in terms auction strategy. I would like to assure each of the RCB fans that we are committed to build a strong squad and we are committed to fulfil the long cherished dream of winning an IPL trophy,” Sanjay Bangar said.
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Mike Hesson, the Director of Cricket Operations of RCB, has said that Sanjay Bangar was chosen as the head coach after a ‘robust’ and ‘rigorous selection procedure as well.
“RCB has been committed to its philosophy of supporting and grooming talents from within the team and appointing Sanjay Bangar is the reflection of that belief. Sanjay Bangar has been part of our support staff as a batting consultant and brings a wealth of experience, both as a player and batting coach, having worked extensively with the Indian cricket team. Sanjay has been chosen to be the head coach following a rigorous and robust selection procedure. We are confident that he will be able to bring his experience to the fore and maximize the potential of the squad. I congratulate Sanjay on this appointment and wish him all the best as we embark on this new chapter,” Hesson revealed.