Shardul Thakur calls for longer breaks between Ranji games
By SMCS - Mar 5, 2024 11:07 am
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Senior all-rounder player Shardul Thakur is unhappy with the Ranji Trophy’s scheduling and he has raised concerns regarding the workload of the players in the domestic season. Thakur, who pulled Mumbai out of trouble with a stunning century in the ongoing Ranji semifinal against Tamil Nadu, believes that more gap is needed in between Ranji Trophy.

Shardul Thakur

“I think it’s difficult because we are playing first class games in three days gap,” Thakur told the media after the day’s play. “That has never happened in Ranji Trophy season ever. I remember playing Ranji Trophy back in the days, good 7-8 years back. First three games used to have three days break and then it was four days break and knockouts were played on five days break. And now this year we have seen that all the games have been played on three days gap. So, it is extremely tough on domestic players to expect them to play ten games in a row with just three days gap if team makes it to the finals.”

The star all-rounder also stated that the domestic schedule needs a relook as the players deserve more breaks in between as well.

“I think next year they have to re-look at it and give more break. And also when nine teams were in the group, one team would get a break in round robin system. So now only eight teams being in one group, everyone plays each other. So that break has gone now. So you know the schedule is becoming tighter and tighter,” he said.

“I don’t think if boys keep playing like this for two more seasons, there will be lot of injuries across the country. A few players feel the same,” Sai told the media after the day’s play. Fast bowlers are a little extra tired with the three-day break because you travel on one day. I don’t train much because of the three-day thing. I bowl directly match-to-match so the load on my body is fine. I don’t strain myself in training or pre-match. I am managing myself that way, but it should be harder for the fast bowlers,” Shardul Thakur concluded.