Veteran Indian opener Shikhar Dhawan named Rohit Sharma as his favourite opening partner. The duo opened the innings for India for almost a decade and they had several memorable partnerships also. On the occasion of Friendship Day on August 4, Dhawan recalled his memories of walking out to bat with Rohit Sharma and the moments they had in the middle. He spoke about the songs he used to sing while
batting and how Rohit used to like to hear them as well.
Shikhar Dhawan told Star Sports about Rohit Sharma: “I have opened with him for 8-10 years, so I have a strong bond with him. He is a gem of a person. Usse bada achha lagta tha jab mai ek gaana gaata tha pitch pe (he used to like it a lot whenever I sang one particular song), ‘putt jattan de bulaonde bakre’. So he would look at me and then sing the same song. It’s one moment that repeated often. He remembered a couple of lines from the song, which he used to sing and then laugh.”
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In 115 innings that Rohit Sharma and Shikhar Dhawan opened together for India in ODIs, they scored a whopping 5148 runs at an average of 45.55 with as many as 18-century stands as well. They are at number four in terms of total runs scored by an opening pair in the history of ODIs as well.
“Our understanding, our vision for the game has always been similar. To make India win. That is always the main goal and our focus is always on that. It is all about handling pressure and that’s where we try to lead the way so that others become a bit relaxed,” Shikhar Dhawan again shared.