Veteran commentator Aakash Chopra has shared his views about Manoj Tiwary’s recent criticism of India head coach Gautam Gambhir. He gave MS Dhoni’s example to show that credit should be given automatically and not be demanded as well. However, his comments came after Tiwary recently claimed that Gambhir got all the credit for the KKR’s IPL triumphs and that the others weren’t praised enough.
In a video shared on his YouTube channel ‘Aakash Chopra,’ he said, “Tiwary ji called him (Gambhir) a hypocrite and said he doesn’t do what he says, and why the credit is given to him, it should be given to everyone. There used to be an old couplet – ‘Bin maange moti mile maange mile na chun’ which means you get pearls without asking and not even quicklime if you ask. People should give credit, asking for it just doesn’t work in my opinion. The biggest example of that is MS Dhoni. He doesn’t say anything, stands at the side, and hands the trophy to someone. When he won the World Cup, he put paaji (Sachin Tendulkar) at the forefront. We all give him the credit. He doesn’t go and ask for it.”
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In the same video, Aakash Chopra also added that Manoj Tiwary was right in criticizing Gautam Gambhir for employing foreign coaches as well.
“One thing he said was not wrong. Gautam used to say that the coaching staff, whether for the IPL or the Indian team, should be Indian because they are unable to attach themselves to India with their hearts otherwise, and everybody comes here and makes money and goes away. Let’s be fair, the coaching staff that he handpicked has Ryan Ten Doeschate and Morne Morkel. If anyone has worked with either of them, they will say they are people with a heart of gold. They are very sincere and professional but are not Indian. So, if you look at it from that viewpoint, what Tiwary ji said was right,” Aakash Chopra concluded.