Talented India player Dhruv Jurel has commented on India’s star batters Virat Kohli and Rohit Sharma and the standout features of the star batters as well. However, Jurel had the chance to play against both of them in the IPL and made his India debut under Rohit Sharma during the England Test series earlier in the year. The youngster was able to make a big impact under Rohit’s captaincy as he did well with bat and as a wicketkeeper also.
Speaking to India Today’s sister channel, Sports Tak, Jurel praised both stars and first talked about Kohli. He also hailed the star batter as a legend of the game and also said that he always tries to learn from him. Jurel again said that his conversations with Kohli are always about cricket.
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“I always try to learn because he is a legend of cricket. So I think how he was made, what he did in the background. Always curious to learn new things. So whenever I talked to him, I only talked about cricket and when you are around him, you feel that aura that Virat Kohli is there. So that is a good thing that we feel that we have to do something that we also feel that people have come to ask, that there is aura. Because he has played for like 15 years for India and he has always dominated. So that thing is very inspiring. So I will try to bring that thing in,” said Jurel.
However, Dhruv Jurel would comment on Rohit Sharma and said that the India captain is very chill and he doesn’t keep the senior/junior distinction as well. Meanwhile, Jurel has said that Rohit does make you feel comfortable in the side and will always come to you when you need help as well.
“To be honest he (Rohit) is very chill. He will talk to you. He is not like you are a senior or junior. He always talks very casually. If you need any help just come over. I don’t have any problem. He is normal. He makes you feel comfortable,” said Dhruv Jurel.