On Monday, the Indian cricket team registered a historic Test win in Adelaide. However, the victory was looking a far-fetched at a moment when the Australian tail wagged for quite long. After the game, the Indian team head coach, Ravi Shastri seemed to be brutally honest in his opinions on the feelings in the dressing room. When Sunil Gavaskar asked him to comment on what was going through his mind when the Australian team was inching towards the total, Shastri remarked that the team had their ba**s in their mouth.
Shastri said, “We knew we won’t leave it, but for some time we had our g*** in our mouths.” The comment went viral and everyone seemed to have enjoyed it n the social media. While some saw the funny side of it, there were others who felt that the Indian coach should have been a little more careful with his remarks on the national television.
The Twitterities went berserk over the remark that Shastri made. Among the many who found humor in the entire episode was former Indian cricketer Vinod Kambli. Kambli took to Twitter to post the video in his tweet but he decided to mute the audio as he feels that the platform is for the family audience.
ALSO READ: Ravi Shastri Feels The Players Need To Take Rest
Kambli mockingly said that the panelists would now know that they should not be asking questions to the Indian head coach in Hindi. He cited that the Indian coach would have actually felt as if he was talking to Sunil Gavaskar in the dressing room, and hence, was just very outright in his honest opinion on the question. Kambli reckons Ravi Shastri certainly gave out his true feelings in the moments of happiness.
Here is what Vinod Kambli had to say on the infamous remark, he tweeted, “Now you know why you shouldn’t ask Ravi Shastri questions in Hindi. Actually, he must have felt like that he is in the dressing room with Sunil Gavaskar Sir and expressed his true feelings. Video muted as it a family social media platform #AUSvIND.”
Now you know why you shouldn’t ask Ravi Shastri questions in Hindi😬
Actually he must have felt like that he is in the dressing room with Sunil Gavaskar Sir and expressed his true feelings😜
Video muted 🔇 as it a family social media platform😊#AUSvIND pic.twitter.com/oV3ytDZ2A3
— Vinod Kambli (@vinodkambli349) December 11, 2018