Former India player turned veteran commentator Sanjay Manjrekar said that Virat Kohli should be picked for the Test series in England later in the year despite being in poor form in Australia. He, however, added that Kohli needs to have better preparations and he must be told that he has to do well in the first two Tests to retain his place as well. However, Kohli scored an amazing hundred in the second innings of the Perth Test. But he managed only 90 runs throughout the series.
During a discussion on ESPNcricinfo, Manjrekar said, “Virat Kohli should be [picked for England Test] in my mind. I think there should be a little better preparation for Virat Kohli. It can’t be a Ranji Trophy game here – has to be going out there well in time, playing some serious county cricket. Just because it’s an iconic figure, you can’t have a repeat of what happened in Australia. You see Virat Kohli also not being able to overcome his problems. You can give a two-Test guarantee and see if there is any possibility of that tremendous mind of his making something different happen this time.”
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Meanwhile, former India opener Aakash Chopra has added that things are not looking too good about Virat Kohli’s Test future. Speaking about his poor performances, he added that while a player can decide when he wants to retire, the possibility of picking a cricketer rests with the selectors.
Speaking on his YouTube channel, Chopra said: “Unfortunately, the numbers of the last five years are saying that whoever is talking is not about propaganda or agenda. You can see home or away, the numbers are saying that things aren’t looking good.”