Former India player turned commentator Aakash Chopra has said that head coach Gautam Gambhir and his other coaching staff cannot be blamed for Virat Kohli’s mode of dismissals. He stated that the veteran Indian batter has had the same technical issues virtually throughout his career as well.
In a video shared on his YouTube channel ‘Aakash Chopra,’ he said, “Sunny bhai (Sunil Gavaskar) and Sanjay bhai (Manjrekar) both said that Virat Kohli’s issues outside the off-stump are chronic problems. They said it should be solved and asked what Abhishek Nayar and Gautam Gambhir were doing as part of the coaching staff. When you have used the word chronic or you are seeing a problem that doesn’t exist only today in isolation, which was probably there earlier, went missing for some time, and has returned, can you blame the coaching department that has been there with this team for only the last six months? You cannot say that Virat Kohli got out because Gautam didn’t resolve his issues.”
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In the same video, Aakash Chopra also added that the previous coaching staff should also be questioned about Virat Kohli and other players’ same problems regarding dismissals as well.
“If it’s a chronic problem like someone stays committed on the front foot or someone’s reflexes are getting slower, it wouldn’t have happened in six months. So if you have to point your guns and fire, you have to look towards the last coaching staff as well, which no one is talking about. I heard someone saying – ‘I am done talking about these players. I want accountability from the coaching staff because these are chronic problems.’ I would say, then ask for it not from this coaching staff but the previous one because that coaching staff remained for long and they had an opportunity to correct these shortcomings,” Aakash Chopra concluded.