The biggest positive of touring with the Indian team when they play on foreign soil is that one doesn’t have to worry about redundant security. A player can roam around freely, as long as he or she doesn’t step onto the field of play. Interestingly, the driver for the South African team, Andre Krog, is one of the happiest people around.

Having greeted him on various tours to and from the stadium, first in Cape Town and then in Centurion, it was surprising to hear him say he wanted India to win the Test match at the start of play on the fifth morning.
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On further prodding, it finally came in front that he has been quietly supporting Team India ever since the support staff has arranged for drinking water for him. Andre reckons that for some in the South African team, specifically one member, he is a part of the bus and not a part of the team.
As quoted in CricketNext, Andre said, “I have been traveling around with these boys for a while and even though the players are fantastic chaps, there is one official around, who, if he had his way wouldn’t even like to consider me as human. It is surprising how even though the players will be warm towards me, this official has a problem with me. I have been asked why I walked into the team hotel in the morning one of these days to order coffee for myself. This, after I was told by the hotel that it was on them. To be honest, I didn’t know I didn’t even deserve a coffee after driving the players to the ground and back.”
Also read: South Africa clinched the series in Centurion
He further elaborated, “Look at the Indian guys on the other hand. Not only do they treat their driver (Ronnie Moodley) with respect and welcome him to be a part of the team, they are the ones who ensure that I get my water bottles and cool drinks when we (Ronnie and me) are waiting out in the sun as the team plays in the middle. Is it not basic courtesy to check if I need some water or something else? The Indian players are so warm that they gave the driver tickets to bring his friends and family and in fact, I used one of those as one of my friends wanted to watch the game.”
Asked why he didn’t ask for tickets from Cricket South Africa, he said: “On some days, I am given my lunch coupon at 2 pm when the man designated to hand the coupon realizes that he had almost forgotten. So, you might as well realize how it is. I have my friends in the Indian team to help me out if needed.”